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Dear Parents and Guardians of LC2 students,


Thank you to those who attended the CAO and Other Options Information Evening last night, Tuesday 19th November. The CAO campaign for 2025 applicants is now underway having opened on November 5th and students are strongly advised to register with the CAO by Jan 20th to avail of the discounted rate of €30. CAO applications will close on February 1st, 2025 and The Change of Mind System will reopen on May 6th, 2025. Final choices must be submitted by July 1st, 2025. Please note that courses that are “restricted” must be applied for by February 1st. A list of restricted courses can be found via this link: All other courses can be added free of charge during the Change of Mind Window. Please note, that students need a CAO account to apply for HEAR, DARE and the HPAT (required for Medicine).

As mentioned at the Information Evening The CAO Book is only available online and contains all important information regarding the CAO application process and also includes a list of all courses offered in all HEI’s. Please see attached link to PDF.

Please see uploaded a copy of the ‘CAO and Other Options Powerpoint’ that was presented at the Information Evening. Have a look through this Presentation to ensure you are aware of some extremely important deadlines and procedures.


Please also note uploaded links to:

  • This is the website where students Apply to Third Level. The CAO Handbook and other extremely important information is also available on this website.

  • – The following Careersportal direct links are uploaded: 1Coursefinder where all CAO, PLC, Apprenticeship courses, points and entry requirements 2.Events Calendar with up-to-date information on upcoming college events and information sessions and 3.Information on Scholarships

  • Information on all types of apprenticeships available on this website included a Current List of Apprenticeship Employers. The list of Employers from Clare/Limerick Region was circulated at the Information Evening but is also available through this website

  • To apply to PLC courses and/or Traineeships

  • HEAR and DARE Information

  • Grant Information and Application

  • Applying to UK Colleges -Deadline is 15th Jan

  • Applying to European colleges that have courses taught through English


As highlighted on the night, CAO and other applications such as Apprenticeships and PLCs are the responsibility of the applicant and as a parent/guardian it is imperative you support your son/daughter with this process to avoid mistakes that can result in missed offers and other disasters!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at any time

Kind regards,

Ms. Hannah Fitzpatrick

Guidance Counsellor

Guidance Newsletter November 2024

Hi all Parents and Guardians of LC2 students,


Welcome to the Guidance Section of the School Website! As your son/daughter settles into Leaving Cert the importance of their plans for next year is very likely to be the forefront of everyone’s mind. I would just like to take this opportunity to outline the supports and many resources that are available to students to help them with their career decisions.


All base classes have a series of Careers classes with the Guidance Counsellor throughout the year where general topics such as CAO, DARE, SUSI and alternatives to CAO are explored. All students have a Career File on where they have saved careers and courses of interest. As a parent/guardian it would be very beneficial to get your son/daughter to log into this Career File at home so you can gain some insight into what interests them. CAO points, Course descriptions and an Events Calendar are some of the features that can be explored on See tab for link.


This Guidance Section of the school website is where you will find useful and relevant information throughout the year. I have uploaded links to some useful websites such as and on this page and will continue to upload relevant information and links as they arise. All colleges are currently holding Open Days and various Information Sessions throughout the year. Information on Open Days are highlighted in LC Teams and Schedules of Talks are made available to students through this Team and are also available through the Upcoming Events Tab on this website. There will be a number of speakers for Leaving Certs in the upcoming term where students can sign up to attend talks in areas of interest. As you are aware all Leaving Certs attended the UL/TUS/Mary I Open Days on Friday 18th October. The next Career Trip is Wednesday 13th November where interested students can attend an Apprenticeship Showcase in The Radisson Limerick. There will be a bus arranged from school and further information will be distributed to parents regarding this event after Midterm Break.


All Leaving Cert students will receive an individual guidance appointment with the Guidance Counsellor and these appointments are currently underway. As has been explained to the students they do not need to wait to be scheduled for an appointment - they are welcome to message Ms. Fitzpatrick directly and request an appointment if they feel they need it more urgently. Parents and guardians are also welcome to email and refer on their son/daughter if concerned about their career plans or general lack of direction.


CAO Applications for Leaving Certs 2025 will open on the 5th of November and there will be a series of CAO classes for all Leaving Certs starting after midterm. I will also hold a CAO Information Evening for all parents and guardians on Tuesday 19th November @18.00 to explain the CAO system and other alternatives such as PLCs and Apprenticeships. Applications to HEAR and DARE are also highlighted at this Information Session.


If you require further assistance or have any queries, please email me on

I look forward to working with you and your son or daughter this year,


Kind regards,

Hannah Fitzpatrick

Guidance Counsellor

Senior Cycle Options 2024 -2025

Dear Third Year and TY Parents/Guardians,


Following on from the Subject Choice Session on Wednesday the 21st of Feb where Senior Cycle Subject Choice was outlined in detail, please see the uploaded Presentation from the night. The Presentation includes an overview of Leaving Cert Subjects and the Transition Year and Leaving Cert Applied Programmes.


Subject Choice selection is due Friday the 15th March 2024 so it is vital all Third Years and TYs give this their time and attention over the next few weeks.


The Subject Choice Form must be completed through VSWare and all parents/guardians will receive a link for this app from the school. Please contact the school if you have not received this link.


We ask for your full support to encourage your son/daughter to engage with the Subject Choice Process and to avail of the many resources online to ensure they make the right choices at this critical point in their education.


Kind regards,


Ms. Christie

Guidance Counsellor

Guidance News Letter May 2024

Dear Parents and Guardians of Leaving Certs 2024,


As the academic year ends, I would just like to draw your attention to some very important information:

1. CAO: All CAO applicants will be receiving a Statement of Application Record e-mail shortly. The purpose of this e-mail is to instruct the applicant to log in and verify that all their information has been recorded completely and correctly on their CAO account. There may be very serious consequences for their application if they do not follow these instructions immediately. Please ensure your son/daughter has checked this Statement of Application and confirmed all is in order. Applicants must notify CAO immediately of any omissions or errors.

2. CAO Change of Mind Facility is now open until July 1st 2024. Students can make as many changes as they wish to their course choices between now & July 1st free of charge. Following the deadline of 5pm on the 1st of July students can no longer make any changes to their CAO.

3. HEI Exemptions from Irish and or third language must be recorded by the HEI and NUI and TCD Exemptions should appear on CAO Statement of Application. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure HEI Exemptions are recorded. The school does not receive any notification of this, so please ensure your son/daughter has registered an exemption with whatever HEI they wish to attend.

4. The Leaving Certificate Results will be issued on Friday 23rd of August and CAO Round 1 Offers will be released 28th August 2024 from 14:00 and must be accepted by the 3rd of September at 15.00. Round 2 Offers will then be released the 9th of September and accepted by the 11th of September. See here for a detailed CAO Timetable of Events: Central Applications Office (

5. Apprenticeship Padlet: Please see our school padlet for 6th years students. Further information on apprenticeships including current vacancies can be viewed on

6. Scholarship Padlet: Please see link below to our school scholarship padlet:

7. SUSI Applications: SUSI grant applications for 2024/25 are now open. All students applying to PLC and/or Higher Education are advised to apply as soon as possible. For further details, see


I’d like to take this opportunity to wish the LC class of 2024 the very best in their exams & in their future endeavours.


Warmest Regards


Ms Fiona Christie

Guidance Counsellor

Guidance News Letter June 2023

Dear Parents and Guardians of Leaving Certs 2023,

As the academic year comes to a close, I would just like to draw your attention to some very important information:

  1. All CAO applicants should have received a Statement of Application Record e-mail at this stage. The purpose of this e-mail is to instruct the applicant to log in and verify that all of their information has been recorded completely and correctly on their CAO account. There may be very serious consequences for their application if they do not follow these instructions immediately.  Please ensure your son/daughter has checked this Statement of Application and confirmed all is in order with it.  Applicants must notify CAO immediately of any omissions or errors. 

  2. CAO Change of Mind is open until 1st of July.  Students can make as many changes as they wish to their course choices until this date free of charge.  Following the deadline of 5pm on the 1st of July students can no longer make any changes to their CAO.  

  3. Exemptions from Irish and or third language must be recorded by the HEI and NUI and TCD Exemptions should appear on CAO Statement of Application.  It is the student’s responsibility to ensure Exemptions are recorded.  The school does not receive any notification of this so please ensure your son/daughter has registered an exemption with whatever HEI they wish to attend.

  4. The Leaving Cert Results will be issued on Friday 25th August and CAO Round 1 Offers will be released Wednesday 30th of August and must be accepted by the 5th of September.  Round 2 Offers will then be released the 11th of September and accepted by the 13th of September.  See here for a detailed CAO Timetable of Events:

  5. We are setting up a St.Caimin’s Past Pupils Committee and would love for your son/daughter to be a part of it.  We hope to establish links between past and present pupils to promote career and networking opportunities.  Please encourage your son/daughter and other past pupils you know to register their interest to join this Committee by emailing us on

Wishing your son/daughter all the best with their Leaving Cert and future plans,

Kind regards,

Hannah Fitzpatrick

Guidance Counsellor

Guidance Newsletter November 2022

Dear Parents and Guardians of LC2 students,


Thank you to those that attended the recent CAO Information Evening on Monday November 7th. We had a fantastic turnout.


The CAO campaign for 2023 applicants is now underway having opened on November 4th. Students are strongly advised to register with the CAO early & avail of the discounted rate of €30. Please note, that students need a CAO account to apply for HEAR & DARE.

​Please familiarise yourselves with all aspects of the CAO on Ensure you are aware of some extremely important deadlines and entry procedures. CAO accounts become dormant on February 1st 2023 & will only reopen on May 5th 2023. Final choices must be submitted by July 1st 2023. Please note that courses that are “restricted” must be applied for by February 1st. A list of restricted courses may be generated using  search engine facility.

CAO and other applications such as apprenticeships/Earn While You Learn programmes, SUSI, HEAR & DARE and PLC’s are the responsibility of the applicant.  It is important parents/guardians support their sons/daughters with this process to avoid mistakes which can result in missed offers and other disasters.


Please also note links to:


These links contain a lot of valuable information.


As also mentioned at the Information Evening, the CAO Handbook is only available online this year. This booklet contains all important information regarding CAO application process and includes a list of all courses offered in all HEI’s: we have approximately 1700 courses across 44 Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s). A link to a PDF version & details regarding personalisation of the booklet is also available. Finally, the CAO has an app that students can download & use.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at any time. Wishing your son/daughter all the best with their future endeavours.


Kind regards,


Ms Fiona Christie

Guidance Counsellor

To access our Apprenticeship resource portal please click on the image below.


Guidance Newsletter Nov 2021



Hi Parents and Guardians of LC2 students,


Please see uploaded a copy of the ‘CAO and Other Options Powerpoint’ that was presented live last Tuesday the 16th November. Please have a look through this Presentation to ensure you are aware of some extremely important deadlines and procedures. As highlighted on the night, CAO and other applications such as Apprenticeships and PLCs are the responsibility of the applicant and as a parent/guardian it is imperative you support your son/daughter with this process to avoid mistakes that can result in missed offers and other disasters!


Please also note links to,, The Midwest Apprenticeship App (local apprenticeship info), (grant information), (HEAR and DARE Information) and an Events Calendar (uptodate information on upcoming college events and information sessions). These links contain a lot of valuable information. I have also uploaded a CAO FAQ to highlight the most common questions asked at the CAO Offer Time – this is worth having a look at to avoid making these very common mistakes with CAO Applications.


As also mentioned at the Information Evening the CAO Book is only available online this year. This Booklet contains all important information regarding CAO application process and also includes a list of all courses offered in all HEI’s. A link to a PDF version of the booklet is also available.


I will be on leave from the week of 29th of November so please send any Guidance-related queries to after this date.


Wishing your son/daughter all the best with their future plans,


Kind regards,


Ms.Hannah Fitzpatrick

Guidance Counsellor

Results Information September 2021



Hi Class of 2021!


As you know Leaving Cert Results Day is this Friday the 3rd of September.  Unfortunately, due to the ongoing COVID situation results will be available ONLINE on the Candidate Self Portal or in school by appointment only.  


You will need your Exam Number, Student Portal Password and PPS number so have those organised!  I know there is a huge amount of hype in the media at the moment but try and ignore that and just wait and see what awaits you when you log in on Friday morning from 10am! 


I’m sure many of you will be pleasantly surprised 😊 Ms. Fitzpatrick, Ms.Guinnane and members of management will be available on Friday the 3rd to talk to anyone who needs some support or if feeling stressed or worried about your results.

CAO Round One Offers are out Tuesday the 7th @ 2pm.  You can log into your CAO account to access your offers. 


Ms. Fitzpatrick will be available to discuss any queries you have about your CAO offers– just email directly on or phone the school and we can make an appointment.


I have attached a link to an excellent podcast from Leaving Cert Guidance called Leaving Cert 2021-What Next? This should help answer any queries you or your parents have about what will be happening with your LC Results and CAO offers over the next few weeks. 

Please also have a look through the documents on the website on CAO Offers Information and the FAQs at CAO Offers.  These should also help clarify any questions you have at the moment but if they do not please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any help.  We are still here to help and support you as you begin this new and exciting chapter in your life.


Wishing you all the very best of luck 😊


Ms. Hannah Fitzpatrick


Guidance Counsellor


The Guidance Counsellor advises on career choices and assists pupils in making educational, vocational and personal decisions. She supports and helps students who are experiencing difficulty in their lives.  


Students and parents are free and welcome to come and visit the guidance counsellor. An appointment system is the best operational mode in this way. Alternatively, a phone call from parents over a concern can be accommodated quickly. Also, as part of overall school information dissemination e.g. school notices, parent-teacher meetings, open nights, enrolment days etc. information regarding guidance and counselling is made available as required.


Ms. Fitzpatrick can be emailed directly at

Contact Us

Tel: 061 - 364211



  Tullyvarraga, Shannon, Co. Clare 

V14 XY54

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