Senior Cycle
Student Support
Student Support
Learning 2 Learn
Initial supports for SOME Students:
Guidance from year head, one to one sessions
Planning templates
Support developing a study plan
Develop culture of getting students to do their best
Award system
Learning to learn support and study tips and growth mindset in small groups
Allow students have more insight into their Athena profile and their CAT4s
Medium term supports for SOME Students:
Have a review meeting after a period of time
Arrange conversation with parents to coincide with PT meetings
Have a group session with others in the year group who are in the same boat and offer support that way
Link with guidance counsellor and year heads
Link with Guidance Counsellor
Long term supports plus for a FEW students
Put in place a mentor as a support if student is struggling
Link with Guidance Counsellor

Learning to Learn is one of the principles underpinning the new Junior Cycle and aims to strike a balance between the development of subject knowledge, thinking abilities and key skills enabling students to develop a number of essential learning habits such as:
Checking and Reflecting (making links, setting targets, question and extend learning)
Framing Learning (identify learning and make connections)
Collaboration (Give and receive help, listen actively, express opinions and be a leader)
Problem Solving (spot patterns, take notes and research)
Working Independently (organise information, be accurate, use resources and persist at a task)
Learning to learn is supported through a variety of activities in St. Caimin's Community School.
A continuum of support model is used in helping students learn to learn. Supports are offered at a whole school and classroom level (for all), in school support (for some) and in school support plus (for a few).
Supports offered to ALL students:
​Exploration of study skills and organisation during their tutor classes in Junior Cycle
Unit in SPHE on learning and studying in Junior Cycle
CAT4 testing and PASS
Athena Analytics Profile
Participation in the Learning to Learn programme, study tips and developing the growth mindset in timetabled classes
In class support from subject teachers
Learning 2 Learn Classroom Programme
Learning to Learn is a structured course for second level students equipping them with the essential skills to be successful in their academic life. The programme assists students in understanding themselves better, being more confident as learners along with having a proven study system and assessment approach which will reduce their stress and add to their sense of well being.
The online, self paced, self directed learning programme is designed to be completed in two and a half hour sit also allows students to revisit elements of the course in their own time. This online study course is designed to bridge the gap and help students understand how they learn, while giving them a proven study methodology which will help them become more effective learners.
Learning and study modules covered:
The brain and learning
Fixed V's growth mindset
Setting my goals
Plan it - POKER system learning
Academic Tracking (Athena)
St. Caimin's Community School uses the Athena Tracker to help support academic tracking. The Athena Tracker is an academic tracking tool which creates a student’s baseline potential in each subject in each exam. This tracker is used to track all students' exam results. The Athena Tracker uses all past results and CAT4 scores to create a students baseline in each subject.
This allows the school to constantly track where a student is in relation to this baseline to highlight if a student is drifting below their own unique potential and may need additional support. It highlights when a student falls below their own predicted potential. Once identified a student will then be offered additional supports outlined above.
One to One Study Clinics:
Leaving certificate students are also invited to take part in one to one follow up study clinics . This involves meeting each student and working through study skills techniques and planning the week ahead. Follow up meetings occur weekly to ensure the students feel supported and plans are tweaked to suit their needs.
Learning 2 Learn Resources
The following resources are used in various settings and at various times during the school year. They may be of use to parents at home with their student(s) to reinforce ideas explored in the classroom. These resources have been sourced from a number of support services including:
Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST)
National Behaviour Support Service (NBSS)
Junior Cycle for Teachers (JCT)
To access our Learning 2 Learn resource portal please click on the image below.